
Reality Bites

Eisselle's death anniversary and my own "yah! I'm glad it happened, damn it!" anniversary is fast approaching. Every year seems to speed up double time.

Hopefully it would be a a slow brew for me next year. I just want to savor everything that is about to happen...... Hopefully everything to my good taste....yaaahhhhh hopefully....

Let me tell you how numb I've been this week.
  1. I don't really listen to my clients anymore.
  2. I say yes to their every demand.
  3. I have "floating spree" once in awhile
  4. I just do my "chores" quickly not giving any shit about it.
  5. I'm so hyper even a sprained ankle cannot stop me from running.
  6. This is insane.....but maybe it's just the "going away jitters.....I'M COUNTING DOWN THE DAYS.
Reality Check:
  1. Everyone is getting married
  2. most are pregnant
  3. baby showers are "in" thing
  4. My friends literally talk about diapers and breastfeeding
  5. Despedida dinners weekly.... including mine
Gosh...am I getting old or what..then again,..AGE IS JUST A NUMBER.

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