

My addiction to coffee is getting worst. I take it without sugar anymore. During busier days I have it just black and thick. Pero, usually I take it with a little milk.

I have a new addiction,GUM! I can just chew away for the whole day. It keeps me full ( yup!! no more unhealthy snacks), it keeps me under pressure and sometimes it does help a lot when I am bored. I am just getting used to MAnila time again. Everyone is late,I always wait at least 30 mins minimum for all clients. I hate it. But my new friend (mr. gum) helps me maintain my composure,patience and sanity.

Not that I have bad breath but yup yup it keeps the breath fresher ans maybe stronger teeth and jaw. So don't be surprise if I have a well packed JAW when you see me. Balances it well with my big cheeks.

So cheers to new vices!!

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