

Every year I try to make a list of goals and resolutions and hopefully be able to achieve them. I am pretty much satisfied with how my list went year after year.

Here are some of my goals for the year of the Tiger. ( a very memorable year for Jong and I)

1. Save more
2. work with passion
3. Be a good wife (naks)
4. Be a wonderful Mom ( double naks! it's coming sooner or later around mid of Sept.)
5. Start my own "line" of something creative.
6. Expand our craft business
7. explore and be more open to options ( blessings that come and come...)
8. be more prayerful ( well i always hope I can be)
9. Learn to cook more yummy dishes.

Hmmm.... I noticed that there will be less traveling this year. The past few years, I have been exploring and searching life. Living outside my comfort zone,learning about other cultures,accepting my faults and limitations or maybe committing mistakes that made me who I am today. Learning what to say and what NOT to say,being a good friend,sister and daughter.
It has been a great journey and I know that there will be a lot more to come.

It's just that I think I found "home" :) at last.

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