
i am learning

i am learning how to weld.
it looks scary,but actually it's a lot easier than i thought

i am learning how to develop my own photos
balck and white, since the darkroom is capable of B&W only

I am learning a lot about steel,tin,copper,lead,aluminum etc.
it is very exciting

I am learning a lot about fiber glass,polyester and other types of plastic
finally,i had the first hand knowledge of plastic making

I am learning to handle power tools,jigsaw,circular saw,sander,cutter,drills and what have you.
They are intimidating but are fast becoming my friends

I am learning how to use flash and dreamweaver
let's see where this will bring me

I am a creator of little people.....they will soon turn into something bigger. They are still little but dominant in the big people's world....somebody's helping me,if you are reading this,you know who you are!!!

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