close up


the view up the alhambra

Another window shot...

this is fun!!!

The alhambra

Inside the castle of Alhambra,view from outside...breathtaking!

another shot of the flamengco dancer

It was dark and i have no tri pod..being so pasmado.most of my flamengco photos are blurry.but i still liked them.

I had a lot of bonding time with my camera,am learning not to use the flash and just adjust with manula settings...

this is in the Jewish town in Sevilla

Sevilla's Giralda,another "arch" shot.

Part of the mezquita in Cordoba,capturing it within the arch

The courtyard,playing with the pond's reflection

Inside the Cathedra,the dome skylight with nice windows.

Churros co chocolate break

Throughout this trip I was obsessed with taking my photos through windows arches or doors!
Still the Catherdral

The cathedral of Sevilla,It has a Guiness World record of Being the biggest Cathedral in the World

triana's backpacker

This is the Triana Backpackers Hostel,arrived around 7:55 am
Just came from a 5 day vacation. I went to the South of Spain.The city of Flamenco,tapas,art, mystic mountains and jewish towns. I was amazed.
I have soo many photos,so I just chose this in random.
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