
oo lala

I went shopping!!!

Janah's shopping bag contains:

  • a very warm fleece jacket w/hood
  • 4 long sleeves shirt
  • 2 shirts
  • a nice green belt
Yay! i used some of the money i earned working for the school. I earned 200 euros.

I spent 50 euros for shopping and the rest goes to the bank!!!

Songer of the moment: Jack Johnson-gosh im getting old!

Janah's Palaisipan of the day:

Everyday I learn,I feel, I experience something new. My time in Spain will surely make me a better person. To choose the right from the wrong and learning when to push,to pull to stretch my limits to its maximum.

Janah's Goal:

I am currently training my will....it's hard work but surely end results will be everlasting.

As of physical training.I walk a lot,I walk everywhere. I work,manual labor. I am glad I am able to experience it. It makes me stronger,wiser and well...richer.....

Janah's realization:

There is no such thing as hard "work". I believe that the "work" difference is just a matter of intensity,but as long as you continue doing what you have to do and doing it well...by no time you'll get to where you would want to be.

I just learned that Dylan my pamangki, cousin Tom's son was just baptized! I missed the lechon!! shocks! congrats dylan! welcome to this world!

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