
Eisselle's Page

What I miss most:

1. I miss our conversations...we could talk for hours about anything and everything. Sometimes she knows me better than I do!
2. Divisoria trips
3. riding the pedicab
4. eating at Angelinos and Tapa King
5. Movies and plays- from the most baduy movies to art films, from chipipot plays to major productions.
6. Crafty days- just doing something with our hands the whole day...of course with sometimes serious conversations involve.
7. Swimming..she tought me the butterfly stroke...I miss doing underwater handstands with her.
8. Her HS barkadas chismis-really now! since I could match the faces with their names already. hehehe
9. salad from starbucks...the last time I had this with her,we were dissecting text messages from boys..heehaw!
10. being crazy! she's the only person who saw me at my craziest state.

I could go on and on and on......only if technology permits e-mails and ym's in heaven,it would be really great having conversations with her again. It is what I really miss the most!!

I'm always strong when she was still alive,of course she was always there for me,but I think I became a stronger person when she died. It is as if some force is always pushing me to be the best that I can be. I feel her presence in every event of my life,even after her death.

Well,her death should not stop me from living,(although it has really taken away chunks of it!) It should inspire me more, so that one day we would meet again.

I miss you eise!

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