The Journey continues....
Today marks my 37th week, I'm considered full term and can give birth anytime our baby girl is ready to see the world. This has been a very challenging year for me,carrying a child in my womb for nine months while working full time and trying to balance up my social life and pre motherhood responsibilities.
Well, nothing really comes in a silver platter. Sometimes, little discomforts in life makes you tough.
Things I ponder about this amazing journey:
* Having our child inside my tummy for 9 months, feeling little flutters and kicks and just being able to nurture a human being inside me is one big miracle and is still a mystery.
* Appreciating mothers more and how they can sacrifice for the children.
* Thinking about the kind of mother I will be. Always praying that I'll be the best one for this little girl inside me.
* Learning more about my partner in life and appreciating little things he does for me. Like waking up in the middle of the night to make me a warm cup of milk or the awesome foot rubs, just makes me fuzzzy warm all over.
* Friends who are there to give comfort, support and advise really makes this time more meaningful and special.
* My family who is always there no matter what makes everything a lot easier and wonderful.
* A best friend in heaven who watches me all the time.
What more can I ask for? I may not have all the material wonders that a lot of us desire, but little things like a loving husband, supportive family,warm friends and a great start of a happy and cheerful home makes everything worthwhile.
My journey continues....