
Yellow Monday

I feel Yellow today!
I hope I'll feel yellow everyday!!!
slept extra 5 mins today
had a strong cup of barako coffee
loving the weather (just don't rain please)
wearing my blue shoes

it's just a happy yellow day. 


Remembering my best friend.

of blue sapphire and gold rings


and actually achieving it......i'm melting,time to mop myself...heat is killing


bitter melony

I sound so bitter on that last post. Yup yup yup! kadoooper super!!!

Well,bitter melon it is! This year is one hell of an eye opener, nose pincher, ear popper for me. I did meet a lot of nice,odd,weird,selfish,kind,lovable,sweet,over the top,loser and what have you people this year. I am beginning to love and embrace them all. To take them as who they are and to know when and what to do if an attitude emergency arises. Whew.

ooolalala....running again tonight!! 

I wanna be a rockstar


points I ponder,now, that is

How come some people uses other people to no mercy and beyond belief?
How come pride hurts the soul?
Is money really power?
Is kindness a virtue or a vice?
what is self worth
when to say stop and when to say just go on
when is bad bad and when is good bad?

hmmmm...i don't know,i'm just so hyped,so frustrated that I want to run til I reach Spain.
As of now i just need to chill
 I miss my bestfriend


bone white

Birds in white bone porcelain. Love love! le love!
Do you want one?
