This is one Tuesday I will never forget......
Well, I started out my day early, I was up and about by 7 and was already working by 7:30. Just before lunchtime, I finished bank errands, 1 presentation and halfway done with the 2nd one. Pretty good job I think. "pats my head"
After lunch:
I was with mom and my mom to be, accompanying them to Mila, my couturier, for the designing of their gowns for my big day.
Before heading to Pasig, we had a short stop at our "bulilit" (small) flat. Mama likes it, it's cozy, just the right size for Jong and me. "
So, the 2 moms chatted away during the ride to Mila's. I was happy that they got along really well. "i smile" When we arrived at the shop, after the measurements were taken, Mila arrived. She sketched some designs and the mothers started discussing them. In the middle of discussion, i was called in the dressing room to fit my gown.
I was already wearing the white lining of my gown when Mila entered the dressing room.
She started snipping,pinning and telling me that I should gain more weight. She told me that if I lose more, i wouldn't have any boobs left. hehehe!! well so much for censored conversations.
I just felt very surreal standing in front of the mirror wearing this white gown. For the past months,the evidence of our wedding planning are all receipts and contracts, nothing really concrete. I never knew that fitting a piece of white cloth would bring so many mixed feelings. I felt scared,elated,excited,and a bit sad as well. It just felt so real now. I remembered my angkong Balete, how he will be so proud of me, my bestfriend who is supposed to be my maid of honor, my di-ku who is one person that is very excited for me (all of them in heaven now).
In that 5 mins inside the small room i went through loads of thoughts and emotions. I never knew that this kind of feeling existed.
On the ride back home, I said a little prayer of thanks.