The sign of our school,it's located at the Sants area,very very peaceful city,very quiet.

This is Echo,my flatmate,finally after working hard the whole day,we could now check our mail and chat with friends.

This is the courtyard of the school,it is where the students hangout to smoke and make chitchats.

This is the small library where there is wi-fi,echo there with her computer.

We have a small pantry where we could get a cup of strong brewed coffee,on the otherside is the photo copying machine.

Here is how our private area looks like. We would all have our small space where we could do our work.
School starts this Monday,i'm so excited.
Why everything is still like a dream:
1. new smell,new sounds,new surroundings....it's still very overwhelming.
2. I earned money by cleaning toilets,washing floors and sweeping hallways.......
3. I do my laundry, plan my day, cook my meals.....
4. passing by the Gaudi Cathedral everyday........no words could describe how i feel everytime I see the magnificent structure.
5. I see jaime de zobel de ayala de leche.....everywhere...even the street sweeper.
6. DANG!